Beginner Runners

Welcome to the Beginner Runners central page on!

This page is designed to be your go-to reference for all things related to starting your running journey.

Below is a table featuring some of the best articles for beginner runners. Let’s get started!

Real quick…

If you’re an intermediate or novice runner or find the resources on this page to be too beginner for your skill level, Intermediate Runner page.

If you’re an experienced runner, visit our Experienced Runner page.

Essential Beginner Runner ArticlesArticle Link
10 Common Questions for New Runners AnsweredRead Here
5k Training Made Simple: An Easy-to-Follow Plan for Beginner RunnersRead Here
7 Proven Tips for Intermediate Runners to Improve PerformanceRead Here
Benefits of Easy Runs | What I Wish I Knew SeriesRead Here
Best Running Race Shoes for Top Performance in 2023Read Here
Easy Does It: The Advantages of Easy Running PaceRead Here
Electrolytes: How to Unlock Running Performance | What I Wish I Knew SeriesRead Here
Free Your Running Potential: How Far Should the Average Person Be Able to Run?Read Here
How to Improve Your Race Finish Position by 5% (Guaranteed!)Read Here
How to Pace | What I Wish I Knew SeriesRead Here
How to Run a 2 Hour Half Marathon: Pace Plan for BeginnersRead Here
More Questions Answered on How to Pace YourselfRead Here
Speed Work And Long Runs: How To Use Them To Achieve Your Running GoalsRead Here
Starting from Zero | Beginner Runner DistanceRead Here
Starting from Zero | Beginner Runner PaceRead Here
The Only Runner’s Checklist You NeedRead Here
The Ultimate 10-Week Training Plan for Your First 10kRead Here
Top 5 Beginner Runner TipsRead Here
Unlock Your Running Potential | The Benefits of Hiring a CoachRead Here
What’s a Good Running Pace? Learn Your Perfect PaceRead Here
Why Beginner Runners Shouldn’t Run Everyday (& What’s More Important)Read Here

Consistency and Building a Plan

For beginner runners, the most important aspects to focus on are consistency and building a plan.

Developing a regular running routine and sticking to it is crucial for your progress, as consistency helps your body adapt to the new physical demands, making you a stronger and more efficient runner over time.

Building a plan tailored to your needs and goals ensures that you gradually increase your running workload without risking injury.

A well-crafted plan includes a mix of easy runs, rest days, and specific workouts that target your desired outcomes, such as improved endurance, speed, or overall fitness.

Best Beginner Articles

To help you dive deeper into the world of running, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best articles for beginner runners.

You can find these articles on the categories page. Here’s a table with the blog post titles and their associated links:

These articles cover a wide range of topics, from strength training and injury prevention to breathing techniques and motivation. We hope you find them helpful in your running journey!