Medical Disclaimer provides information and content related to running and fitness activities. The information contained on our website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional or personal coach/trainer.

Before taking on any physical activity, we strongly recommend that you consult with your medical professional and/or personal coach/trainer to determine if it is appropriate for your individual needs and physical condition. The information contained on may not be suitable for everyone and participating in physical activity carries certain risks.

By using our website, you acknowledge and accept that does not provide medical advice and that you assume all risks associated with participating in physical activity. You should always seek the advice of a medical professional or personal coach/trainer before starting any new exercise regimen. is not responsible or liable for any injury, harm, or damages that may result from using the information contained on our website. The information and content provided by should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease.

Please note that this medical disclaimer applies to all information and content provided by and that the information contained on our website may change at any time without prior notice.